HC Deb 22 March 1945 vol 409 c1017W
Mr. Craik Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Burma what are the present arrangements for broadcasting the British point of view to the occupied portions of Burma; in what language such broadcasts are given; and whether agreements can be made to increase such services.

Mr. Amery

Broadcasts are made daily to Burma in the Burmese language from London by the B.B.C., from India by the Far Eastern Bureau of the Ministry of Information through the courtesy of All India Radio, from San Francisco by the British Political Warfare Mission in America through the courtesy of the United States Government, and from liberated Burma by broadcasting units working under the Military authorities. Listeners in Burma can also receive programme services in the English language from the B.B.C., from India and elsewhere, in addition to regular transmissions by the B.B.C. in Chinese and various Indian languages. The question of providing the best possible services to Burma is constantly in mind.