HC Deb 20 March 1945 vol 409 c650W
Mr. Collindridģe

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether it is with the approval of his Department that miners who have partially recovered from sickness or injury and who may be temporarily engaged in other work are called to the Forces instead of being allowed to return to the mining industry; and what steps is he taking to prevent this happening.

Major Lloyd Georģe

I appreciate my hon. Friend's concern, which arises however from an exceptional case, at the possibility that fit miners may be called-up for military service from the mining industry. Cases of miners who are temporarily released from the coalmining industry and placed in other employment because they are not up to the standard of physical fitness specified for work in the mines are reviewed from time to time and medical reports are referred to my mines medical officers. I am instructing my officers to watch closely the position in regard to such men. My hon. Friend will appreciate that where it is clear from the medical evidence that a man is likely to be permanently unfit for coalmining, my Department could not oppose release from the industry.