HC Deb 14 March 1945 vol 409 cc250-1W
Mr. Silkin

asked the Minister of Aircraft Production what was the cost of building the shadow factory at Banner Lane, Coventry; and what was the cost of the machinery, plant and equipment installed therein.

Sir S. Cripps

The moneys expended on this factory are £1,700,000 on purchasing the land and erecting the buildings (including A.R.P. services) and £2,700,000 on buying and installing machinery and other equipment; a total of £4,400,000.

Mr. Silkin

asked the President of the Board of Trade upon what terms has the shadow factory at Banner Lane, Coventry, been leased to the Standard Motor Company; and whether the lease comprises the machinery, plant and equipment installed therein.

Mr. Dalton

This factory has been leased on the terms which, as was explained to my hon. Friend the Member for East Middlesbrough on 28th November last, will apply to the re-allocation of Government factories generally. This provides for a short-period rent based on 1939 values, to be adjusted later in accordance with current market values. The lease extends only to such machinery and plant as is necessary for operation of the services installed in the factory, together with certain lifting tackle.