HC Deb 12 June 1945 vol 411 cc1498-9W
Mr. Molson

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give any information concerning the scope of the post-war censuses of production or the proposal for a census of distribution.

Mr. Lyttelton

As stated in the White Paper on Employment Policy, it is intended to take a Census of Production annually after the end of the war. The information obtained from the Census will form an important part of the body of statistical data required to carry out the policy outlined in the White Paper, and for this purpose it will need to include a wider range of subjects than those covered by the existing Act. I have therefore appointed a Committee under the chairmanship of Sir George Nelson to examine this question and to recommend what further provision should be made. I have also appointed a committee to consider the question of taking a Census of Distribution. The chairman will be Sir Richard Hopkins. A list of the members of the two committees and their terms of reference are appended. I should like to add that the appointment of these Committees completes arrangements made by my predecessor.


"To consider and report what additional information should be collected at future Censuses of Production, and to recommend what amendments should be made to the Census of Production Act."


  • Sir George H. Nelson (Chairman).
  • Mr. Wilfrid Ayre, J.P.
  • Brigadier-General A. C. Bayley, C.B.E., D.S.O.
  • Mr. Harry Campion, C.B.E.
  • Mr. Henry Clay.
  • Mr. S. H. Hallam.
  • Mr. Hector Leak, C.B.E.
  • Sir Kenneth Lee, Bt.
  • Mr. Arthur Pickup.
  • Mr. Arthur Reeder, O.B.E.
  • Mr. T. B. Hobson.
  • Mr. George Woodcock.
  • Mr. A. Maizels (Secretary).


"To consider whether, having regard to the importance of information being made available regarding the wholesale and retail distribution of goods, a regular Census of Distribution should be instituted and, if so, to advise on the field to be covered and generally as to the measures which should be taken in connection therewith."


  • The Rt. Hon. Sir Richard V. N. Hopkins, G.C.B. (Chairman).
  • Mr. John Budgett.
  • Mr. Paul S. Cadbury.
  • Mr. James C. Cunningham.
  • Mr. F. T. Gale.
  • Mr. G. Maurice Hann.
  • Mr. E. Cecil Jones, M.C., J.P.
  • Mr. Hector Leak, C.B.E.
  • Mr. James E. Meade.
  • Mr. A. L. Miller.
  • Mr. Robert Milloy.
  • Mr. W. B. Neville, J.P.
  • Mr. William Quin, J.P.
  • Mr. W. B. Reddaway.
  • Mr. F. C. Reeves.
  • Sir George Schuster, K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G.,C.B.E., M.C., M.P.
  • Mr. J. R. N. Stone.
  • Mr. Noel Wilkinson, F.C.I.S., A.C.A.
  • Mr. R. P. Hicklin (Secretary).