HC Deb 06 June 1945 vol 411 c918W
Major Nield

asked the Minister of Labour if it is proposed now to direct young women into employment without regard to their pre-war occupation; or whether it is intended to allow them to return to the work, particularly any specialised work, in which they were engaged before the war.

Mr. Butler

While I can give no undertaking that young women becoming available for employment can always be allowed to return to the work on which they were engaged before the war, it is my aim to meet the wishes of workers generally as to their employment and to use their specialised skill wherever this can be done without detriment to the claims of more urgent work. Where, however, urgent work, in particular if it be connected with the prosecution of the war against Japan, would otherwise remain undone, it is right during the period when young men are still being called up to the Forces, that we should look to young women to take these jobs.