THE EARL OF MANSFIELDasked His Majesty's Government whether they will arrange forthwith for the production, and issue, of sufficient dummy mines, bombs, and grenades as will make unnecessary the use of "live" ones for the purpose of indoor demonstration and training, thereby avoiding the needless loss of valuable lives; and whether they will give instructions that in the meantime pending the issue of dummies, where it is unavoidable that "live" mines, etc., are used for instruction, no "live" fuses or detonators should be permitted.
§ THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDERSECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR (LORD CROFT)Sufficient dummy mines have already been issued and it will not therefore be necessary to use live mines for training indoors. Instructions have been issued from time to time drawing attention to the safety precautions which should be observed in handling explosives but these instructions are now being reviewed and if it is found to be necessary they will be revised.
House adjourned at twenty-five minutes before five o'clock.