HC Deb 04 October 1944 vol 403 cc948-51W
Mr. Mathers

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Wages and other Conditions in Cyprus has been received; and whether he will give particulars of its proposals and say if they have been accepted by him for implementation.

Colonel Stanley

Yes, Sir. The Report of the Commission has been received and its recommendations regarding wages and conditions of service have already been put into effect. The Commission's inquiry was limited to labour employed by the Cyprus Government. The principal recommendations were as follows:

A. Casual Unskilled Workers.

Wages for unskilled casual labour to be:

For men—42 to 45 piastres a day.

For women—31 to 34 piastres a day.

The actual rate for each employee to be fixed within these ranges according to circumstances.

In addition a town allowance of three piastres a day to be paid to workers employed in town work, and married workers with two or more children to be entitled to a family allowance.

B. Regular Unskilled Workers (i.e. workers who have six months' continuous satisfactory service).

Regular unskilled workers to be on a weekly basis at the following rates,:

Men—33s. to 35s. a week.

Women—25s. to 27s. a week.

In addition a married regular worker to be entitled to family allowance if he has more than one child.

All regular workers to enjoy the following benefits:

  1. (a) Discharge (on grounds other than misconduct) to be subject to one week's notice;
  2. (b) Ten days' holiday a year on full pay;
  3. (c) Gratuity on final retirement on grounds of age or ill-health after completion of three years unbroken service;
  4. (d) Free medical treatment of workers and families under a scheme providing for the establishment of a fund to which each regular employee shall contribute 1s. a week, the Government contributing an equal amount. From this fund sick pay up to a maximum of one month will be provided to regular employees.

C. Skilled Workers.

(1) Casual skilled worker to be paid at the following daily rates:

  • Special Grade—81–108 piastres.
  • Grade I—63–81 piastres.
  • Grade II—55–63 piastres.
  • Grade III—45–51 piastres.
  • Plus family allowance.

(2) Regular skilled workers to be paid at the following weekly rates:

  • Special Grade—61s. to 80s.
  • Grade I—45s. to 60s.
  • Grade II—40s, to 45s.
  • Grade III—35s. to 40s.
  • Plus family allowance.
Within these new grades the wages of all skilled men to be reviewed and average increases of 15 per cent. over existing rates granted at once. Separate grades to be fixed for certain classes of employees, such as asphalt sprayers, itinerant masons, chauffeurs and foremen.

Craftsmen selected to supervise a job to receive a charge allowance up to 18 piastres a day, in addition to their normal pay. In other respects the conditions applicable to regular unskilled workers to apply to regular skilled workers.

D. Family Allowance.

The rates of family allowance to be as follows:

Casual Worker. Regular Worker.
Per day. Per week.
Wife and first child Nil Nil
Second child 3 piastres 2s.
Third child 3 piastres 2s.
Fourth child 3 piastres 2s.

E. Town Allowance.

Three piastres a day to be paid only when work is classiffied as town work: not payable to regular employees or to skilled men.

The above rates of wages and allowances to be subject to review when there is any marked change in the cost of living.

F. A fund to be created by a weekly contribution of 1s. from each regular worker and a Government contribution of a Similar amount. The following benefits to be provided from the fund for regular workers:

  1. (a) sick pay up to one month;
  2. (b) free medical treatment for workers and their dependent families.

Additional benefits to be considered as the fund increases.

G. Housing.

A building scheme to be undertaken as soon as possible in Nicosia aimed at providing flats for 100 working families and hostels for 200 single men. Smaller building schemes to be prepared for Famagusta and Limassol. Legislation to be introduced to make it impossible to sub-let house property except at an approved rent. Town planning legislation to be introduced and plans to be prepared for each of the principal towns.

H. Establishment at Nicosia of a store at which workers may obtain supplies at regulated prices. Workers' restaurants to be a municipal responsibility and municipal councils wishing to establish such restaurants to be given assistance by the Government. Accommodation to be provided in permanent workshops in which workers may eat their midday meal with facilities for cooking and for purchase of foodstuffs at controlled prices.

I. Apprentices to be trained in approved workshops. Instructions in skilled trades to be given in evening classes. A trade school to be established.

J. Departmental Committees, representing Employing Departments and Employees, to be encouraged and developed.

The proposals under paragraphs A-F inclusive have been accepted and are already in force. Inquiries are being made into the possibility of obtaining materials for building and the necessary legislation is being prepared.

The question of establishing a provision store for workers in the Nicosia area has been under consideration by the Government of Cyprus in consultation with the Nicosia Municipal Council. The Municipal Councils of Limassol and Famagusta have declared their intention to establish municipal restaurants. Special accommodation in which workers may eat their midday meal has been provided in the Government railway workshops and plans for similar accommodation in the Public Works Department workshops have been prepared.

A scheme for training apprentices in Government workshops has been prepared in consultation with the Trade Unions, and has been approved.

Departmental committees representing employers and employees have for some time been in existence in the two major employing Government departments, namely the Public Works Department and the Railway. A scheme for giving these committees more definite functions and powers is under consideration.