HC Deb 09 November 1944 vol 404 c1546W
Mr. Pritt

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that certain professed Fascists are organising a league of ex-Service men and women and are conducting propaganda for this league in Hyde Park on a basis of anti-Semitic agitation; that one of the principal propagandists has recently been released from detention under Regulation 18B; whether this person was released conditionally or unconditionally; and what steps he proposes to take to check the anti-Semitic and other Fascist activities of this body.

Mr. H. Morrison

I am aware that a small group of people, some of whom have previously come to my notice on account of their Fascist views, have organised this League and that two of its supporters spoke in Hyde Park last Sunday. The hon. and learned Member is mistaken in thinking that any of the prominent members of the League have recently been released from detention: the person to whom I assume he refers was released conditionally on 1st October, 1941. Another supporter of the League and one of the speakers at Hyde Park on Sunday was, however, a former British Union propagandist who was detained under Defence Regulation 18B in May, 1940, and released, unconditionally, in the following August. The hon. and learned Member in fact made representations in a letter dated 25th June, 1940, asking that the release of this man should be considered. This League has only recently been formed and it is as yet too early to say whether it will acquire any significance. Its activities will, of course, be very carefully watched and if I find reason to believe that they are likely to endanger public order or to prejudice the efficient prosecution of the war. I shall not hesitate to take appropriate action.