HC Deb 02 March 1944 vol 397 c1589W
Mr. McEntee

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he can make a statement in regard to the credits accruing to British prisoners of war; are they subject to Income Tax or other deductions; is any interest being paid by the Government for the moneys held for these men; are they to receive any post-war credits; is any payment being made to their dependants and under what conditions.

Sir J. Anderson

As stated in reply to the hon. Member for Ipswich (Mr. Stokes) on 22nd October, 1942, general responsibility for the conditions of prisoners of war is not within my province. The service pay of prisoners of war is liable to tax, and any tax chargeable on their pay is deducted from it in accordance with the ordinary rules relating to deduction of tax from official pay. I would refer the hon. Member to the Secretary of State for War for information as to other deductions which may be made from pay. There are facilities for the available pay of officers and men to be invested in War Savings at their request. The normal entitlement to post-war credits is not affected. Allowances to dependants and allotments continue at the rates in issue at the time of capture, except as they may be modified by changes authorised for the Army from time to time (e.g., increased rates), alterations in circumstances affecting entitlement (e.g., death of a child) or instructions from the man.