HC Deb 28 July 1944 vol 402 c1008W
Squadron-Leader Fleming

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will consider the advisability of granting British nationality to the remaining Jews in Nazi-occupied territories on similar terms to the offer of common nationality made to the French people in 1940, in order to maintain their morale and to help them in their struggle for freedom from destruction.

Mr. George Hall

This proposal has already been carefully considered. His Majesty's Government are convinced that to give what in fact would be merely verbal British protection would bring no advantages to Jewish individuals in German-occupied territories. Although the Germans have specially attacked the Jews, they have also attacked and murdered many thousands of non-Jews (in Poland the proportions are said to be about equal). His Majesty's Government are pledged to aid and rescue, as far as military considerations allow, all the victims of German tyranny, and they are pursuing this object by every means open to them in close collaboration with the other Governments concerned.