HC Deb 20 January 1944 vol 396 c398W
Mr. De la Bère

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Economic Warfare what increased supplies of food are being sent to Greece as a result of the recent request of M. Exiutaris for additional shipments of 4,000 tons monthly.

Mr. Foot

In recent months we have received a number of representations upon this subject from the Greek Government and also from individual Greek citizens. Such representations, of course, receive full and sympathetic consideration. It is, however, desirable that we should be largely guided by the advice of the Neutral Commission. It has been decided that shipments to Greece shall be increased by the allocation of approximately 900 tons a month of fish products, and it is expected that supplies will soon be available to bring the total figure of fish and other special protein foods to 1,600 tons a month, this being the amount requested by the Commission.