HC Deb 29 February 1944 vol 397 c1254W
Mr. M. MacMillan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he is aware of difficulty experienced by Servicemen on leave arriving at the port of Stornoway who are unable to get transport to Harris or the Uig district of the Island; and whether, in view of the frequent complaints, he will make some special arrangements for additional late transport.

Mr. Noel-Baker

The Regional Transport Commissioner visited Lewis last August and arranged for certain improvement in the omnibus services. He has provided me with a full report on the situation, and I agree with his view that the provision of additional late transport from Stornoway to Harris or Uig would not be justified. Omnibuses leave Stornoway for Harris at 9.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. on Monday to Friday. On Saturday, the night omnibus is held back until the arrival of the boat, because there are no omnibuses on Sunday. It would not be reasonable to do this on other nights, because of the hardship that would be inflicted on local passengers. Sleeping accommodation is available for Servicemen at Stornoway, and the numbers travelling are too small to justify an additional service. The operators of the service to Uig have found great difficulty in arranging to meet the boat at Stornoway every night, oWinģ to the strain imposed on their drivers. Arrangements are being made so that they will meet the boat on being notified that there are passengers for the Uig district.

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