HC Deb 20 December 1944 vol 406 c1801W
Mr. R. Morgan

asked the Secretary of State for Air if he is aware that 09210, Flight-Lieutenant John Preston, was invalided out of the R.A.F. in October as medically unfit to serve overseas although he was never actually boarded; that, on being assured his case would be reconsidered if he passed a medical board, he successfully submitted himself to one, but none the less the Ministry refused to reinstate him in the R.A.F.; and whether the reasons for this decision can be stated and the entire circumstances of this case re-examined.

Sir A. Sinclair

This officer was invalided from the R.A.F. in October, 1944, as the result of a medical board held in January, 1944, which assessed him as fit for home service only. No suitable employment within his medical category could be found for him. It was only after he had left the Service that he was given a higher medical category by another board which was held for Ministry of Pensions purposes. I have no evidence that any assurance was given that his case would be re-considered if his medical category improved.