HC Deb 20 December 1944 vol 406 c1808W
Mr. O. Evans

asked the Minister of Labour what arrangements are being made for munition workers transferred from Wales to other parts of the country, on release from their present occupation, to return to Wales to resume their previous, or to obtain other, work; and, particularly, whether employment exchanges have been instructed on the procedure.

Mr. Bevin

New arrangements have recently been made regarding the selection of workers for transfer on redundancy. After any workers required for the Armed Foces have been selected, volunteers are sought among workers who have been working away from home for three years or more and who wish to return to work at or nearer their homes. Other workers working away from home and who wish to return are also asked to volunteer if they have skill or experience in certain occupations in which there is an acute shortage or if their homes are in areas where there are now serious labour difficulties. These arrangements apply to workers from Wales as to all others. The necessary instructions have been issued to all my Department's local offices.