HC Deb 13 December 1944 vol 406 cc1256-7W
Mr. Creech Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what men in the Colonial Empire are still held in detention under regulations equivalent to 18B, and where; and whether all such cases are being periodically reviewed both by the local government concerned and the Colonial Office.

Colonel Stanley

The number of persons detained under Defence Regulations equivalent to 18B in the Colonial Empire on 30th November was 174, as compared with 229 on 30th June. Of the 174, 109 are British subjects or British protected persons, and this figure will be further reduced by 30 Maltese in Uganda who will be released as soon as arrangements can be made for their repatriation. The appended table shows where these people are detained.

For the second part of the Question, I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply I gave to his question of 21st June. The reports of these reviews are received in the Colonial Office, but the decision upon them rests entirely with the Governor, subject only to my suggestion, when I see fit, that the case should be reconsidered by him.

Following is the table:

British Subjects and British Protected Persons. Non-Enemy Aliens. Total.
Aden 1 1
British Guiana 1 1 2
British Solomon Is. Protectorate 6 6
Ceylon 17 17
Fiji 1 1
Gibraltar 1 1 2
Gold Coast 4 4
Jamaica 2 2
Kenya 11 2 13
Nigeria 1 1
Palestine 32 41 73
Trinidad 4 2 6
Uganda 31 15 46
109 65 174

Notes.—(1) The Uganda figures include a number of persons originally detained in other dependencies, and subsequently transferred to Uganda.

(2) The Palestine figures do not include persons detained in connection with the recent terrorist outrages in Palestine, who are held under special Emergency Regulations in force in that country.