HC Deb 02 August 1944 vol 402 c1394W
Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what plans have been or are being prepared for the post-war development of Fiji and the Western Pacific territories; and the re-absorption into civil employment of the Colonial troops from those territories.

Colonel Stanley

In Fiji a Reconstruction Commissioner has been specially appointed and there are plans under consideration in particular for land settlement and the development of health and education services. Other plans are in preparation. In the British Solomon Islands surveys of mineral, forest, and soil resources are about to be undertaken with assistance under the Colonial Development and Welfare Act as soon as the necessary expert personnel can be found. Plans for the economic future of the territory will be based on the results of these surveys. In the Gilbert and Ellice Islands little economic development is possible owing to the extremely small area and barren soil of these coral atolls, but plans are in mind for the improvement of educational facilities, including higher education, and for medical and technical training to provide the essential background which will enable the local administrations to be more fully developed.

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