HC Deb 06 May 1943 vol 389 c327W
Mr. Parker

asked the Home Secretary how many prisoners have been punished during 1942 for failing to complete their cell task; and how many of these cases came from Maidstone and Wormwood Scrubbs prisons, respectively?

Mr. H. Morrison

During 1942 there were 901 disciplinary awards for idleness, of which 40 were in Maidstone Prison and 38 in Workwood Scrubs Prison. These figures include disciplinary awards for idleness in the workshops as well as those for idleness in relation to cell tasks. I regret that separate figures are not available in respect of the latter offence alone.

Mr. Parker

asked the Home Secretary whether the hours of cellular confinement have yet been reduced in all prisons of England and Wales by one hour as compared with the increased hours of separate confinement which have prevailed during the first years of the war?

Mr. Morrison

Yes, Sir. With the cooperation of the prison staffs the new arrangements which I announced on the 1st April in reply to my lion. Friend the Member for West Leyton (Mr. Sorensen) were introduced last month in all prisons, except four, in which a longer time-table was already being worked.