HC Deb 30 June 1943 vol 390 c1633W
Sir W. Smithers

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (1) what are the results of his inquiries into the threatening language used by a representative of a jam factory acting on the authority of the Ministry on 3rd June, to a strawberry grower at Knockholt, Kent, particulars of which have been sent to him; and what action does he propose to take;

(2) whether he is aware that a divisional enforcement- officer of his Ministry from Tunbridge Wells, on 23rd June, walked on to a smallholder's strawberry ground, particulars of which have been sent to him, bought a basket of strawberries and then informed the smallholder that a summons would follow; has he authorised such methods; and will he give instructions that such methods shall not be used in future?

Mr. Mabane

As consideration is being given to this case with a view to legal proceedings it is not desirable for me at this stage to reply to my hon. Friend's Questions.