HC Deb 06 July 1943 vol 390 cc1961-2W
Mr. Hewlett

asked the Secretary of State for War what advice and assistance is given to officers regarding needed outfit when they are ordered to report for draft?

Mr. A. Henderson

Every officer on first appointment receives a copy of a pamphlet with the title "Instructions Regarding Kit and Equipment for Officers." Certain paragraphs of it deal specifically with outfit for service overseas. Instructions issued when units or drafts are under orders for embarkation also direct the attention of officers to an Army Council Instruction issued last summer which specifies what clothing is needed by officers overseas and reminds them that they can if they wish buy other items of other ranks' pattern from the R.A.O.C. The instructions vary according to the theatre of operations and if they are entitled to some items of clothing and equipment free their attention is also drawn to this fact. Officers are also advised to limit their purchases before they embark to the needs of the voyage. They can complete their requirements when they arrive at their destination.