§ Mr. Frankelasked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether his attention has been drawn to the presence at a wedding in Buckinghamshire of 33 motor-cars, most of which had travelled at least 37 miles; and whether he will take further steps to check up the consumption of petrol in this county?
Major Lloyd GeorgeMy attention has been called to a report published recently in a local newspaper of allegations to this effect. I am informed that the number of cars attending was not 33 but nine; that the owners of five cars attended the wedding in the course of legitimate visits to the village, and that the remaining four cars were private hire-cars from Buckingham, the nearest railway station. The village in question is well within the inner radius of private hire-cars from Buckingham. I have no information suggesting that any of the cars had come from a distance of 37 miles and I have no reason to think that any special measures of enforcement are necessary in Buckingham.