HC Deb 19 January 1943 vol 386 cc77-8W
Sir W. Davison

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the attention of the Government has been drawn to the wholesale thefts and removal to Germany of pictures and other works of art of great value from German-occupied countries, a special corps of German art experts, known as the Art Korps, having been formed for this express purpose; and whether steps will be taken to publish particulars of the works of art which have been stolen in order to prevent their sale in neutral countries?

Mr. Law

The attitude of His Majesty's Government towards all forms of plundering by the enemy in the occupied countries has been made clear by their participation with the Governments of 16 other United Nations and the French National Committee in making the joint Inter-Allied Declaration which was published on the 5th January. The text of this Declaration, together with an explanatory memorandum and a statement by His Majesty's Government are contained in a Command Paper which my hon. Friend has presented to Parliament. As regards the second part of the Question, the Inter-Allied Declaration constitutes a direct warning to persons in neutral countries to take all possible precautions against acting, wittingly or unwittingly, as receivers of stolen property. The question of publishing details of individual stolen works of art is primarily one for the Allied authorities in whose countries the particular thefts have occurred. The Declaration moreover makes it clear that His Majesty's Government are pledged to collaborate with their Allies in defeating the spoliation of occupied countries by the enemy.