§ Mr. Malcolm MacMillanasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that there is dissatisfaction at the price of 5s. 6d. per yard fixed for sale of Harris tweed among smaller and longest 1328W established producers in the Hebrides, as it is impossible for the small producer to make his living on the small margin of gain now allowed; and whether, in view of the amount of time and skilled personnel handling this cloth in manufacture involves, he will fix a price around 9s. as a minimum?
§ Captain WaterhouseMaximum prices of 5s. 6d. per yard for hand-woven and 9s. per yard for hand-spun and hand-woven Harris tweed have been fixed by the Board of Trade on the advice of the Central Price Regulation Committee. The Committee consulted with representatives of the producers before making their recommendations, but will be prepared to consider any representations made to them on behalf of any of the interests involved.