§ Captain P. Macdonaldasked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of the great diffculties experienced by the catering industry under war conditions, especially in prohibited areas such as the Isle of Wight; and whether he will postpone until after the war any attempt to introduce legislative control of their industry?
§ Mr. TomlinsonMy right hon. Friend is aware that the catering industry like most others has special difficulties under war conditions., The answer to the second part of the Question is in the negative.
§ Captain Macdonaldasked the Minister of Labour why, before seeing the representatives of the catering industry on nth September, he refused to give them prior knowledge of the proposals he wished to discuss with them; and whether he will now agree to a fair and impartial discussion or examination of the issues raised by some competent and independent body before any legislation is brought before Parliament?
Mr. TomilnsonAs my right hon. Friend has already explained to those directly concerned, he thought it more satisfactory that in circulating an outline of his proposals he should accompany it with a fuller oral explanation; he made it clear at the same time that he did not expect an expression of views before those concerned had had a fuller opportunity of examining the proposals. As regards the latter part of the Question he cannot give any undertaking which would fetter his right to bring proposals before Parliament in due course.