HC Deb 13 October 1942 vol 383 cc1507-8W
Mr. Viant

asked the Secretary of State for War when the inoculation of British troops with yellow-fever vaccine was first started during this war; and whether the vaccine was obtained from manufacturers in this country or the United States of America?

Sir J. Grigg

Vaccination against yellow fever of British troops proceeding to yellow fever endemic areas was introduced before the war, and has been continued without interruption. Most of the vaccine used is manufactured in this country, but some supplies are obtained from the United States of America.

Mr. A. Edwards

asked the Secretary of State for War whether any cases of yellow fever have been diagnosed in British troops in any area in which they have been stationed since the commencement of the present war?

Sir J. Grigg

Yes, Sir. Three.

Mr. Leach

asked the Secretary of State for War how many doses the British Army in Africa took in 1941 of yellow fever vaccine, virus 17D, manufactured by the Rockefeller Foundation; whether he is aware that this vaccine is suspected of having caused 28,000 cases of jaundice in American troops with 68 deaths during the six months January to June, 1942: whether there has been any jaundice ir the British Army amongst soldiers inoculated with yellow fever vaccine; and whether he has made- any inquiry into the possibility of harmful effects of the yellow fever vaccine now being used on British soldiers?

Sir J. Grigg

Without instituting protracted inquiries locally it is impossible to say how many of the doses of yellow fever vaccine administered to British troops in 1941 were manufactured by the Rockefeller Foundation. I am aware that certain batches of this vaccine have been suspected of causing cases of jaundice among American troops. None of the cases of jaundice which have occurred among British troops can be attributed to the inoculation against yellow fever. The effects of inoculation are always carefully watched and no harmful effects among British troops have been noticed as a result of inoculations against yellow fever.