HC Deb 21 May 1942 vol 380 cc380-1W
Sir W. Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour what number of unemployed men there are in the county of Glamorgan unfit to work underground or on very laborious work in heavy industries but who could do useful work as watchmen, timekeepers, or supervising in factories or other Government work in Glamorgan; is there any machinery in existence to ascertain what number are available so as to release able-bodied men for more important services; and will he take steps to find out?

Mr. Bevin

The machinery of the interviewing panels has for one of its objects the identification of wholly unemployed men who are fit for light work only, par- ticularly with a view to utilising their services for such work, and, so far as possible, releasing able-bodied men for more important services as my hon. Friend suggests. The number in the Glamorgan county who have been so classified is 2,698.