§ Mr. Wakefieldasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will consider the production of a four-gallon standardised receptacle, in view of the shortage of galvanised buckets, in order that householders may comply with the emergency order which requires every householder to have at least four gallons of water kept handy in a place easy of access, preferably in a porch.
CAPTAIN WATERHOUSE pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 20th May, 542W 1942; col. 220, Vol. 380], supplied the following statement:
Regional Commissioners are being asked to notify local authorities, in whose areas Article 3 of the Fire Precautions (Residential Buildings) Order, 1942 (S.R. & O., 1942, No. 241), has been or may be declared to be in force, that supplies of four-gallon petrol cans are available for purchase by occupiers at the price of 2d. each. It will rest with the local authorities to obtain the necessary number of cans from the War Office, to make such arrangements as they think best for securing distribution, and to bring those arrangements to the notice of the public.