HC Deb 08 July 1942 vol 381 cc778-9W
Sir Smedley Crooke

asked the Minister of Information whether he is aware of the protests which have been made by associations of pawnbrokers in all parts of the country about the unjustifiable slur cast upon their trade by the film, "Partners in Crime," produced by his Department; and whether, as this trade is carried on under licence, is regulated by statute and is not concerned with the offences with which this film deals, he will arrange to amend the film before giving it further publicity and to extend an apology to the pawnbrokers?

Mr. Bracken

This apparent slur on pawnbrokers was caused by the chance use of stock property in one brief scene. The Ministry has expressed to the Pawnbrokers' Association its sincere regrets for any distress that may have been caused; but it has not been possible to amend copies of the film already in circulation. Other copies of the film to be used later for non-theatrical distribution will, however, receive the slight alteration necessary to remove the objection.