HC Deb 26 February 1942 vol 378 cc362-3W
Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the functions, qualifications and remuneration of public relations officers; and the names of persons now holding these posts?

Captain Crookshank

The functions of public relations officers may be broadly described as the promotion of a proper understanding between their Departments and the general public. The selection of

Department. Post. Name of Present Holder. Salary.
Treasury Chief Press Liaison Officer. G. F. Steward £1,700
Admiralty Director of Press Division. Captain C. A. H. Brooking, R.N. Service pay and allowances.
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Publicity Officer D. McCullough £1,000
Air Ministry Director of Public Relations. Air-Commodore Lord Stansgate. Service Pay and allowances.
Ministry of Aircraft Production. Public Relations Officer A. E. Mash £950
Colonial Office Public Relations Officer N. J. B. Sabine £1,000
Dominions Office Public Relations Officer E. Rawdon Smith
Ministry of Economic Warfare. Head of Press Section J. Rayner £1,100
Board of Education Director of Intelligence and Public Relations. W. R. Richardson £1,150—£1,500
Ministry of Food Director of Public Relations. Howard Marshall £1,700
Foreign Office Head of News Department. W. Ridsdale £1,250
Ministry of Health Press Officer T. Fife Clark £800—£900
Home Office, Ministry of Home Security. Director of Public Relations. S. G. Leslie £1,500
India and Burma Office Adviser on Publicity Questions. A. H. Joyce £1,050–1,200
Ministry of Labour and National Service. Public Relations Officer A. S. Frere £1,200
Mines and Petroleum Department. Press Officer M. Romain £800
National Savings Committee. Director of Propaganda Paul Addis £1,250
General Post Office Public Relations Officer T. B. Braund £1,150–1,500
Ministry of Supply Director of Publicity and Public Relations. J. L. Henderson £1,200
Board of Trade Public Relations Officer F. Carter £1,000
War Office Director of Public Relations. Major General Lawson Service Pay and allowances.
Ministry of Works and Buildings. Publicity Officer H. Lewis £900
Ministry of War Transport. Public Relations Officer Fleetwood C. Pritchard £1,700
Scottish Home Department. Intelligence and Public Relations Officer. W. M. Ballantine £800—£1,000
War Damage Commission. Public Relations Officer A. P. Rowe £750
Ministry of Pensions Public Relations Officer F. N. Byron £900