HC Deb 06 August 1942 vol 382 cc1231-2W
Sir M. Sueter

asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the remarks of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis in regard to clubs in his last report and having in mind the order recently made by the Board of Trade prohibiting the opening of new shops except under licence, he will consider the desirability of making an order to prohibit the registration of new clubs during the period of the war except with Home Office approval?

Mr. H. Morrison

In view of the need for all possible economy in man-power and material the Government have decided that power is required to check the registration of new clubs unless they are to meet some genuine and substantial need, and a Defence Regulation is being made this week for this purpose. The Regulation provides that when application is made for the registration of a new club fuller particulars than those at present prescribed shall be supplied, and that the clerk to the justices on the receipt of such an application shall send a copy of such particulars to the police. In the absence of any objection from the police the club will be registered. If objection is made, the applicant may apply to the court of summary jurisdiction, which, if satisfied that the objection is unreasonable, may authorise the registration of the club. Objection may be made by the police on the grounds that having regard to existing facilties for social amenities, recreation and refreshment and to the objects of the club the club is not required to meet a genuine and substantial need; that the premises or their situation are unsuitable; that the particulars which have been supplied are inaccurate or incomplete; or that the character and antecedents of those promoting or financing the club do not justify registration. If a Government Department—such as the Ministry of Labour and National Service or a Service Department—certifies that the club is needed, for example for munition workers or for members of the Forces, and that the premises are suitable, it will not be open to the police to object on the first two or the above mentioned grounds. The Regulation applies to new clubs only and does not affect the annual re-registration of existing clubs.