HC Deb 30 September 1941 vol 374 c478W
Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can state, separately, for England, Scotland and Wales, the number of small shopkeepers who have been deprived of their right to trade in rationed goods where the number of customers was under 25; how many have succeeded in retaining their customers on grounds of hardship; and how many have been compelled to close down altogether consequent upon the imposition of these restrictions?

Major Lloyd George

Statistics up to date show that the number of small shopkeepers to whom supplies of one or more rationed foods are no longer being made available was:—

England 11,526
Wales 921
Scotland 702
Northern Ireland 194
United Kingdom 13,343

The number of those to whom supplies are being continued on grounds of "hardship" is:—

England 6,613
Wales 525
Scotland 618
Northern Ireland 235
United Kingdom 7,991

I am not aware of any instance in which any shopkeeper has been compelled to close down altogether as a result of the decisions reached by Food Control Committees.