HC Deb 30 September 1941 vol 374 cc470-1W
Mr. Chater

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that producers with more than 50 fowls, who should send all their production to packing stations, are, in fact, selling some of their eggs direct to consumers at prices ranging between 3s. 8d. and 5s. per dozen; and whether he will tighten up the egg distribution scheme with a view to increasing the quantities allowed to registered consumers?

Major Lloyd George

I am not aware of any such action by producers of this class but if specific instances can be given I will see that appropriate action is taken.

Mr. Woods

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will amend the egg distribution scheme in order to secure control of the production of all poultry-keepers who have more than 12 fowls, having regard to the fact that this would enable the distribution of one egg per ration book each week instead of only three eggs per month?

Major Lloyd George

As my hon. Friend is no doubt aware the question of including the poultry-keeper with 13 to 50 fowls in the egg scheme received very careful consideration prior to the scheme coming into operation, and I am not prepared to alter the decision then reached to exclude him from compulsory participation in the scheme. There is, however, a considerable financial inducement to such poultry-keepers voluntarily to sell their eggs to the packing stations set up under the scheme and a large nuumber do so.

Mr. Barnes

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that in Scotland as much as 5s. per dozen is being paid for eggs produced by farmers who are outside the egg distribution scheme because they have less than 50 fowls; and whether he will amend the scheme to bring the production of such producers into the packing stations?

Major Lloyd George

I am not aware that this class of poultry-keepers is obtaining as much as 5s. per dozen for their eggs and if my hon. Friend will furnish me with details I will cause appropriate action to be taken. The question of compulsorily bringing under the egg scheme the poultry-keeper with less than 50 fowls was carefully considered before the scheme was put into operation, and I am not prepared to revise the decision then reached to exclude them. There is, however, a considerable financial inducement for such poultry-keepers voluntarily to sell their eggs to the packing stations and a large number do so.

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