HC Deb 01 October 1941 vol 374 cc592-3W
Major Lyons

asked the Minister of Health whether, in dealing with repairs to, or clearances of, damaged property, in the interests of all-round economy, he will consider giving instructions to replace the present system of cost plus percentage, either by a schedule of fixed prices with competitive profit percentage attached and a time completion clause or, alternatively, by lump-sum contracts; and whether on this type of work he will put some limitation on the weekly hours to be worked and to prevent Sunday work save in exceptional instances?

Miss Horsbrugh

My right hon. Friend has given careful consideration to the matter raised in the first part of the Question and he has reluctantly come to the conclusion that neither of the forms suggested by my hon. Friend offers a practicable alternative to the prime cost contract for work which must be carried out immediately after a raid. For more permanent repairs, local authorities have been instructed to secure lump-sum tenders. Likewise my right hon. Friend, the Minister of Home Security, who is responsible for clearance work, has given instructions that the prime cost contract should only be used where it is impossible to proceed on the ordinary basis of tender and specification. The form of contract now in use by local authorities follows the model drawn up by a Committee which represented Government Departments and all sections of the building industry. My right hon. Friend has reminded local authorities of the need in connection with such contracts for the exercise of the closest possible supervision. Instructions have already been issued on the lines suggested in the last part of the Question.