HC Deb 11 November 1941 vol 374 cc2055-6W
Mr. Hutchinson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that, under a decision of the Ministry, applications made by Air Training Corps for registration as catering establishments may not be granted by local food executive officers, with the result that satisfactory canteens cannot be opened at air training corps centres; and whether, as many of the boys attending these training centres come straight from their places of work and it is therefore desirable that canteen facilities should be available for them, he is now prepared to modify this decision?

Major Lloyd George

Yes, Sir. As a result of discussion which had been proceeding between the Air Ministry and my Department arrangements were recently made and the necessary instructions issued to local food control committees for the registration as catering establishments of canteens established, with the approval of regional commandants, at the headquarters of local units of the Air Training Corps. This will enable these canteens to serve light refreshments to members of the Corps.