HC Deb 27 May 1941 vol 371 cc1730-1W
Mr. Goldie

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministery of Food whether he is aware of the grave financial loss, including the destruction of horses, in- flicted upon the proprietors of riding schools throughout the country by the refusal of his Department to authorise the issue of rationed feeding-stuffs to them; and whether, as such establishments provide the means of obtaining healthy exercise by war workers and others, he will arrange for the transfer to such riding schools of a portion of the feeding-stuff now allocated to racing stables?

Major Lloyd George

I regret the consequences of stopping the issue of rationed feeding-stuffs for riding horses, but it is not possible, in view of the present supply position, to modify this decision. The quantity of feeding-stuffs allocated to race horses whilst in training is relatively very small and it would not be practicable even were it expedient, to divide this small quantity amongst all the owners of riding stables.

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