HC Deb 15 May 1941 vol 371 cc1270-1W
Mr. David Adams

asked the Minister of Health whether he will issue a leaflet giving detailed advice as to the functioning of rest centres in the light of practical experience, giving definite guidance on such points as whether teachers ought to be seconded to public assistance departments for the purpose of running these centres, as is done in London, or whether voluntary assistance ought to be relied upon?

Mr. E. Brown

The circumstances and needs of each area vary so widely that I do not consider that a leaflet such as my

hon. Friend suggests would be appropriate. Advice on the organisation of rest centres has been given in circulars and letters issued to local authorities and my Department's regional officers are in close and constant contact with them and give detailed advice in the light of experience which has been gained. The practical application of this experience, and in particular the question how far the rest centre service can, or should, be staffed by teachers or by voluntary assistance, depends almost entirely on local conditions.