HC Deb 13 May 1941 vol 371 c1095W
Mr. Groves

asked the Minister of Health whether he has considered and approved the arrangements for co-ordinating the war medical services in Hackney; and will he consider adopting something on similar lines generally rather than continuing the present procedure of each district being largely left to devise its own scheme, with the result that there is lack of co-ordination, co-operation and uniformity?

Mr. E. Brown

I presume that my hon. Friend is referring to a suggested scheme for co-ordinating war medical services in Hackney the outlines of which were published in the medical Press in March. It has not yet been submitted to me and I understand that the borough council are awaiting further particulars of the scheme from the promoters. When these are received the council will consider the scheme. I will keep in touch with the matter and communicate with my hon. Friend later.