HC Deb 06 May 1941 vol 371 c708W
Mr. R. Morgan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, who are the present advisers on catering to his Department; from what firms they have been drawn; who has been appointed under his recent scheme to take command in an emergency of all restaurants and catering establishments in Greater London; and to what extent the catering trade as a whole have been consulted in the matter of these appointments?

Major Lloyd George:

Major Montague Gluckstein has been the honorary part time adviser on catering to the Ministry of Food since October, 1939, and Mr. J. H. Polfrey has recently been appointed full-time assistant adviser. Major Gluckstein is a managing director of J. Lyons and Co., Ltd. Mr. Polfrey was previous to his appointment to the Ministry, in the employment of a Government luncheon club. The appointment in Greater London to which my hon. Friend refers has been made by the London County Council to whom the responsibility for making preparations for emergency feeding in the London area has been entrusted. In reply to the last part of the Question, no consultation with the catering trade took place prior to the Ministry's appointments being made.