§ Sir J. Mellorasked the Secretary of State for War whether he will inquire into the delays which occur between arrest and trial by courts-martial of officers and other ranks, and between findings of guilty and promulgation of sentences; whether he is aware that one training unit has been required to provide officers for escort throughout 86 days in 1940 for one officer awaiting trial, and from 25th February, 1941, until the present time for another officer awaiting promulgation; and whether he is satisfied that the legal staffs and the staff of the Judge Advocate General handle such cases with all possible dispatch?
§ Captain MargessonI am aware that there have been on occasion excessive delays between arrest and trial by court-martial and between trial and promulgation of sentence, and I am examining how far present procedure can be simplified in order to avoid further cases of this kind. I will communicate with my hon. Friend with regard to the two particular cases 10 which he has drawn my attention.