§ Mr. Emeryasked the Secretary of State for War whether he is satisfied that supervision is adequate to prevent unnecessary damaging of houses requisitioned for billeting troops; and if, as such damage is unjust to owners and is national waste, he will hold commanding officers responsible for stopping this waste?
§ Captain MargessonI am fully aware of the importance of this question. In order that damage to requisitioned premises may be brought to light at once, responsibility fixed, repairs effected where necessary and charges properly assessed, inspections of all such premises are held by the Royal Engineers at intervals of not more than one month. These inspections are additional to the normal inspection when the unit marches in and marches out. Where-436W ever possible, the amount of the damage is charged to the individuals responsible, and all accounts not traceable to individuals are shared as a general charge by the unit. In addition, commanding officers have been informed that any case of avoidable damage will be regarded as a serious reflection on the discipline and administration of their units.