HL Deb 30 July 1941 vol 119 cc1005-6WA

asked His Majesty's Government whether in view of the interest now taken by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health in the provision of nursery schools for children under the age of five years, the Ministers concerned will arrange for the restoration to its original purpose of the building originally provided by the Save the Children Fund for the accommodation of the nursery school at Byker, but now occupied by a Balloon Barrage unit, having regard to the fact that the building was specially constructed and equipped for the accommodation of the nursery school and that no adequate alternative building is available.


My right honourable friend the President of the Board of Education informs me that the nursery school at Byker was closed on the outbreak of war and that the premises were then let by the local education authority for use by a Balloon Barrage unit. No steps have been taken to restore these premises to their original use since the school, which is of light structure, is situated in a vulnerable area in which two public elementary schools have been closed for the duration of the war on the advice of the Ministry of Home Security. In these circumstances the Board would not feel justified in making representations with a view to recovering the use of these premises for nursery school purposes. I may add that I understand that the Newcastle Maternity and Child Welfare Authority are considering the question of making provision for war-time nurseries for children under five years of age.

House adjourned.