HC Deb 17 December 1941 vol 376 c1961W
Sir R. Glyn

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport how many drivers of Service and contractors' vehicles have been involved in fatal accidents, each separately, during the last six months in this country and in Northern Ireland; and whether the Air Ministry, Ministry of Aircraft Production, Ministry of Supply and, the War Office have prohibited the practice of paying to drivers engaged on work connected with the construction of aerodromes, factories, etc., of a bonus for the number of trips made in excess of four or five in accordance with the distance?

Colonel Llewellin

I am sorry that the information sought in the first part of the Question is not readily available. None of the Departments mentioned pays bonuses for the number of trips to the drivers they employ; nor have they evidence that the payment of such bonuses by their contractors is widespread. My Department does not deal with road transport in Northern Ireland.

Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he will arrange for a wider extension of broadcasts on the lines of one recently given in the Children's Hour containing some admirable instructions by an expert for the avoidance of road accidents?

Colonel Llewellin

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his appreciation of this part of our road safety campaign and I will consult with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Information as to the possibility of similar broadcasts.