HC Deb 04 December 1941 vol 376 cc1271-2W
Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many canteens for women, serving under the control of the Admiralty, are there in which intoxicants are supplied; and whether any regulations concerning such supply, made by the Home Secretary or the Scottish Secretary, apply to these canteens?

Mr. Alexander

No canteens provided specially for use by women serving under the control of the Admiralty, whether members of the W.R.N.S. or otherwise, supply intoxicants, but women in Admiralty establishment may use the canteens provided for employees in general. As far as the W.R.N.S. is concerned, however, it is not the practice for personnel to use men's canteens and they are expected not to do so. The second part of the Question does not, therefore, apply.