HL Deb 02 December 1941 vol 121 cc154-6WA

asked His Majesty's Government what are the terms of reference and the functions of the Inter-Territorial Secretariat now installed in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia; which Governments it represents and to whom it is responsible; whether its functions are executive or advisory and at whose instance it was established; further whether His Majesty's Government and the Governments concerned will consider the possibility and desirability of adding to its functions the objects recommended by the recent Royal Commission on the amalgamation of the three territories of Southern and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland as suitable for consideration by an Inter-Territorial Council.


As the noble Lord is aware, the Governors of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland met in conference in April, 1935, to consider the possibility of closer co-operation, and further conferences have been held periodically. The existing arrangements have not, however, proved to be adequate for dealing with certain wartime economic issues, and it has been agreed that a standing Secretariat, designed to ensure and facilitate collaboration between the three territories for war purposes and in the settlement of issues created by or arising out of the war, should be established.

The Secretariat, which was inaugurated on August 18, will serve the Inter-Territorial Conference set up in April, 1935. and will be responsible to the three Governments concerned. Its functions are described in a communiqué recently issued by the Government of Northern Rhodesia, a copy of which I have had sent to the noble Lord.

As regards the last part of the question, the new arrangements were made for the limited purpose of securing more effective co-ordination of the war effort of the three territories and it is not proposed to widen their -scope.

House adjourned.