HC Deb 01 August 1941 vol 373 c1670W
Colonel Colville

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is satisfied that the lessons taught by the experience of recent air-raids in Scotland have been effectively followed up by the Department of Health, with particular reference to the provision and equipment of rest centres; and whether exercises have been carried out throughout the populous areas in conjunction with the regional and district commissioners and local authorities to ensure that the organisation is ready to deal with possible raids on a heavy scale in the future?

Mr. Johnston

In the light of experience of air raids both in Scotland and in England, an intensive review of the emergency relief organisation of Scottish local authorities has been carried out. In this I have been assisted by Members of the Scottish Bar who have visited the target areas. Special attention has been paid to the adequacy of the rest centre accommodation and the provision of equipment, both of which have been greatly increased. The emergency relief organisation has been tested wherever regional or district exercises have been held and, in addition, rehearsals of the organisation have been held in all populous areas which have not themselves had actual experience of heavy raiding.