HC Deb 23 October 1940 vol 365 cc1049-50W
Mr. McGovern

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will take steps to fix the price of all essential articles of food and impose penalties for any breaches owing to the substantial increases which have taken place since the outbreak of war; and if he is aware of the discontent among persons of low incomes such as old age pensioners, and men and women with large families, due to the high prices and varying prices in different areas?

Major Lloyd George

Price control has already been instituted over a wide range of essential foodstuffs, and further commodities will be controlled as and when desirable. It is the constant concern of my Noble Friend to endeavour to provide adequate supplies of essential foodstuffs to the public at reasonable prices, and in some cases subsidies are paid for that purpose.

Mr. Lyons

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in view of the fact that the power of inquiry which is now the function of food investigation committees gives no check on profiteering, he will invest these committees with powers to prosecute where facts in the opinion of the committees so justify?

Major Lloyd George

My Noble Friend is unable to accept the suggestion of my hon. and learned Friend that the procedure of the local food price investigation committees offers no check upon profiteering. On the contrary, he is satisfied that the appointment of the committees with adequate powers to investigate prices, provides an effective deterrent in most cases to the imposition of unreasonable charges for uncontrolled foodstuffs, and as at present advised he sees no reason to add to their powers.