HC Deb 08 October 1940 vol 365 cc262-4W
Sir R. Acland

asked the Home Secretary whether Martin Freud has yet been released from internment?

Mr. H. Morrison

Yes, Sir. Dr. Freud was released from internment on 17th September

Sir R. Acland

asked the Home Secretary the numbers to the latest available date of enemy alien internees released under each of the categories for which an application for release may be made?

Mr. Morrison

I doubt whether it would be desirable at this stage to give separate figures for each of the various categories; but the total number of persons whose release has been authorised up to 5th October is 4,603.

Mr. Mander

asked the Home Secretary the date on which it is intended that Prees Heath internment camp, under canvas, shall be closed; and to what other camps the internees have been sent?

Mr. Morrison

It is intended to close this camp by the end of this month. Less than 300 internees are at present in the camp, of whom the majority are waiting to join the Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps. The others have been, or will be, transferred to the Isle of Man or Huyton or some other camp.

Mr. Mander

asked the Home Secretary what steps should be taken by aliens who have been interned without ever having come before a tribunal and who desire to have their cases reviewed with a view to being classified in Category C; and whether those who have been placed in Category B by a tribunal can take steps to obtain a revision of their cases?

Mr. Morrison

As stated in Part B on page 5 of the White. Paper (Cmd. 6223) the case of Germans or Austrians in Category "B" (provided that they were not classified in that category as a result of a review of their cases by a Regional Advisory Committee) will, if they come within any of the categories of eligibility for release, be referred to an Advisory Committee which will review the classification in accordance with the principles followed by the Regional Advisory Committees. In addition, as my predecessor promised during the Debate on 22nd August, a revision will be undertaken as soon as possible of the cases of Germans and Austrians placed in category "B" even though there may be no question of their immediate release.

Sir R. Acland

asked the Home Secretary whether he can make any statement about Franz Schneider, of 152, Parbrook Road, Huyton, near Liverpool, No. 54186, in relation to whom it is believed an application for release on health grounds was signed and forwarded by the commanding officer of Whiston County Hospital at the beginning of August?

Mr. Morrison

In consequence of an attack of acute bronchitis, Franz Schneider was transferred from Huyton Camp to hospital on 30th July. A certificate dated 12th August that his continued internment would be detrimental to his health was forwarded by the Camp Commandant, and on 17th August instructions were given for his release on medical grounds. On his discharge from hospital on 28th August, however, it was found that the first diagnosis had been unduly pessimistic, and that his condition had so much improved that he was no longer eligible for release on medical grounds. He was accordingly returned to the camp where he still is under medical observation. Mr. Schneider has since applied for release under category 19 of the White Paper, and his case is being referred to the Tribunal appointed to consider such claims.