HC Deb 20 November 1940 vol 365 cc2028-30W
Mr. Pritt

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether the experts to determine the location of the eight naval and air bases leased to the Government of the United States of America in accordance with the terms laid down in the exchange of notes of the 2nd September have been designated and, if so, whether they have yet met the experts to be designated by the Government of the United States of America; and whether he will consider the desirability of attaching at least one representative of the populations of each of the eight leased territories to the experts in a consultative and advisory capacity; (2) how far the new jurisdiction to be created in the British transatlantic territories recently leased to the Government of the United States of America will be extra-territorial in character; whether he will give an assurance, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, that in proceeding to determine within those territories adjustment and reconciliation between the jurisdiction of the authorities in the territories concerned and the jurisdiction of the United States of America the civil rights of the inhabitants will be fully safeguarded; that no discrimination as against parsons of African or Asiatic descent will be countenanced; and that special attention will be devoted to securing uniformity in application of the liquor laws and in the regulation of gambling?

Mr. Butler

Proposed sites for the naval and air bases to be leased to the Government of the United States of America have been examined by a United States Mission which has visited all the territories concerned and has discussed the question with the authorities. The advice of the Commander-in-Chief America and West Indies Station, also has been available. The results so far achieved were released for publication yesterday. It is proposed that the discussions between the experts referred to in the exchange of notes of 2nd September should take place later in London in order to consider all questions, including those of jurisdiction and administration, before the conclusion of the formal leases. The Governments of Newfoundland and Bermuda have already been invited to send representatives to London and the question whether representatives of any other territories should be invited, as also the designation of United Kingdom experts, is receiving consideration. As I have already indi- cated, the questions of jurisdiction which arise in connection with the leases are to be determined by agreement with the Government of the United States, and pending the negotiations which are to take place with this object, it is not possible to say what arrangements will be made. I can, however, assure the hon. and learned Member that the importance of the points to which he calls attention is fully appreciated by His Majesty's Government, and that they will be carefully borne in mind in the course of the negotiations.