HC Deb 13 November 1940 vol 365 cc1719-20W
Mr. Sloan

asked the Minister of Shipping whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction amongst Ayrshire fishermen whose boats have been requisitioned at the delay in payment, and to the inadequacy of amount of payment; and whether he will take steps to have the matter reasonably adjusted?

Sir A. Salter

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given on 12th November to the hon. and learned Member for Greenock (Mr. R. Gibson).

67. Sir C. Rawson

asked the Minister of Shipping whether he is aware that a fisherman of Brighton has lost his two largest vessels and all hands, eight fishermen, within the last three months owing to enemy action; and whether it is proposed to make compensation to owners and men for loss of property and loss of life while doing national work as food producers?

Sir A. Salter

Adequate facilities exist for the insurance at moderate rates of fishing vessels against war risks, with Government reinsurance, and if this owner was insured his loss would be covered. Compensation in respect of loss of effects is payable under the Compensation to Seamen (War Damage to Effects) Scheme, 1939. As regards loss of life, provision has been made for compensation for disablement or death of members of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets, due to enemy action, by the War Pensions and Detention Allowances (Mercantile Marine, etc.) Scheme 1939, which is administered by the Minister of Pensions. In the absence of particulars of the vessels to which my hon. Friend refers it is not possible to state what awards have been made in these cases, but if he will supply these particulars, I will have further inquiries made.