HC Deb 13 November 1940 vol 365 cc1729-30W
Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Minister of Information whether he is aware that the Home Forces programme is inaudible over wide areas in Scotland; and whether he will make representations to the British Broadcasting Corporation with a view to this programme being broadcast on a wave-length that can be received in Scotland as much disappointment is felt by troops stationed there that they are deprived of the popular programmes intended for the Home Forces?

Mr. Cooper

As one step towards improving the reception of the Forces' programme, the B.B.C. introduced a short wave transmission of this programme on 41.49 metres on 25th July. The Ministry of Information, the Air Ministry and the B.B.C. have the problem to which the hon. Member refers in mind in their constant reviews of the best use and development of our wave-lengths and stations.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Minister of Information to what extent Highland music has been included in the Forces' programmes since the end of September; to what extent provision has been made for broadcasts weekly to Highland service-men in their own Gaelic language; to what extent Gaelic language entertainment has been arranged for and broadcast in the Home programme; and will he state the amounts of time under these heads in figures?

Mr. Cooper

Highland music has occupied 40 minutes time since 1st October. There are no broadcasts in Gaelic in the Forces' programme but there have been since 1st October 3½ hours of Gaelic weekly in the Home Service programme.

Mr. MacMillan

asked the Minister of Information whether he will arrange for a five-minute postscript on questions related to the war by Gaelic-speaking personalities as an extension of popular mid-week Highland entertainment period, in view of the fact that only a few minutes weekly is allowed for Gaelic language news?

Mr. Cooper

I will ask the B.B.C. to consider such provision as the hon. Member suggests, but at the same time I must remind him of the extensive commitments already to be met in the Home Service programme.

Mr. MacMillan

asked the Minister of Information whether he will now consider arranging for a second Gaelic language news bulletin weekly and also extending the present time-allowance for Gaelic news on Saturdays?

Mr. Cooper

Two news bulletins in Gaelic are already broadcast each week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. It will not be possible to extend the time of the Saturday bulletin at present.