HC Deb 07 November 1940 vol 365 cc1462-3W
Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider the release, under such conditions as he may wish to impose, from detention in Brixton Prison, of the surgeon to whom his attention was drawn by the hon. Member for London University, on 17th October, in view of the representations made by some eminent members of the medical profession who have intimate knowledge of his activities, and in view of the inconvenience suffered by three important London voluntary hospitals, of the honorary staff of which this surgeon is an active member?

Mr. H. Morrison

This case is to be reviewed by the Advisory Committee who will take account, amongst other things, of any representations made on behalf of the appellant.

Miss Rathbone

asked the Home Secretary who are the members of the Advisory Committee, under the chairmanship of Sir Francis Lindley, appointed to investigate the cases of aliens detained in prison; how many times this committee has so far sat, and how many cases it has dealt with; and whether, in view of the fact that there are nearly 700 of these detainees, most of whom have been in prison for two to four months without obtaining any replies to their communications or any opportunity of defending themselves personally or through witnesses, he will conider enlarging or otherwise supplementing the committee so as to expedite investigation?

Mr. Morrison

An interdepartmental committee under the chairmanship of Sir Francis Lindley consisting of representatives of the Foreign Office and the Home Office together with Mr. C. R. Havers, K.C., was appointed in September to consider the cases of aliens detained under Article 12 (5A) of the Aliens Order regarding whom representations had been made by foreign governments. This committee has met seven times and has dealt with 58 cases, that is, with all the cases in which such representations have been made. As announced in reply to the hon. Member's Question on the 9th October this committee is to be reconstituted and its scope enlarged so that it will be available to consider all cases of such aliens referred to it by me. It is hoped that it will be possible to announce the composition and terms of reference of the reconstituted committee at an early date.